CrystalKiwi - Home Page
Looking for innovative leading edge business intelligence solutions for your company or applications?
Then you have found the place. CrystalKiwi was formed in June 2009 to develop leading edge software solutions. We are still available to maintain and develop the products we developed while we were part of Chelsea Technologies. We also take some of our ideas into a totally new world or reporting, business intelligence and mobile solutions.
Latest News (10 March 2021)
Export User Function Library is now available for 74 bit Crystal Reports users. It combines both of our 32 bit Export and Schedule Management UFL as well as some other new useful functions
26 February
Bt the end of February 2021, a revised Crystal Reports Run Time has been released by SAP. This fixes several problems with the run time, so we've upgraded our application to this version. We've kept the older version for those who still need it. Full details on our download page.
1 February
On the 1st of February a new version of our CrystalKiw Suite (Explorer, Bursting and Scheduler) enables exporting to ZIP and Encrypted zip files. Full installs of CrystalKiwi Explorer, Bursting and Scheduling version 1.26
A client raised an issue about using Field objects in the file name to enable custom attachments with a bursting run. This is now in version 1.27 and is available as an update.
Have a look at our products page for some of the useful applications we have developed to help you make more effective and efficient use of your Crystal Reports.
Our leading edge CrystalKiwi Explorer report viewer, bursting and scheduler has been designed to support Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and Crystal Reports 2016/2013/2011. That way it also supports all older versions of Windows and Crystal Reports.
People with large iTunes libraries may be interested in iT-lyzer, a utility that displays Crystal Reports for your iTunes music library.
Do you need help with your Crystal Reports Strategy or Design? Do you need help with your report delivery? Do you want to get more value from your existing reports? Do you find some old reports no longer provide the information that matches your current business structures?
We have been designing reports since 1996, starting with Crystal Reports 4 and Visual Basic application integration. We have used every version since then, and have recently expanded into SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) and other reporting tools. There are very few out there with 20 years leading edge experience with Business Intelligence Reports.
We currently use Visual Studio and Crystal Reports 2016 but still support clients using most legacy versions.